Do you want to wake up to your life?
In this workshop, we cover one of the eight areas of life each month. We meet once a week, four times a month, to explore our thoughts on the topic of the month, analyze the situation, question the beliefs that limit us, and do mental exercises to transform. In the work we do with group energy, we inspire each other with our experiences and discoveries and help each other overcome our fears with the strength we provide each other.
Monthly work schedule:
1st meeting: We explore our thoughts, expectations, and beliefs on the topic of the month (Example: “family”) with powerful questions. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions and write a lot.
2nd meeting: We explore Byron Katie's The Work about a family member. (Example: “I get angry with my mom because she doesn't understand me.”)
3rd meeting: We explore The Work on a thought pattern or belief. (Example: “The family should be together.”)
4th meeting: Forgiveness Session (Breath Study)